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Realitybroker logo small issue 001 march | 1 | 2013
In this issue

Feature Story 22nd Century Dancing - the story of Santigold's SG1 Dancers

Travelog  Expedition IsThereLifeInEurope is back with revealing material from a hair-raising journey through the eternal woods of Southern Sweden and the urban canyons of Stockholm | Also: Nightswimming in Luxembourg City - tell us your adventures!

For your Eardrums and Eyeballs  Sounds that will get you through the dead of spring | The magnetic ocean floor

Frontiers of science  Robots with PhDs | Vagrant wolves in the Canton of Bern | Low life expectancy of solo artists | Printing out a Moon colony | Max the Stork dies in Spain at 13

Car Free Day in Kampala | Living poets: Bruno K. Öijer | Just because you're paranoid | Permanent death | V for Visitors | and more...
Super-size interview!

Santigold Dancers come alive
When they first hit the stage in late 2007, they thrilled the pop world with their eery robotic appearance and high-precision dancing. Now they are back, obviously running on a new operating system infected with an anarchy bug, blowing audiences away with an eclectic array of dance styles, dramatic props and ever-changing outfits. Meet SG1, the acclaimed dance duo that loyally flanks pop activist Santigold. Expedition I:T:L:I:E talks to Monica Josette and Desiree Godsell, the artists behind SG1, about the art of choreography, the evolution of their stage characters, growing up in Houston, and much more!
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Monica and Desiree almost in character
2012 by Expedition I:T:L:I:E @

Monica Josette (l.) and

Desiree Godsell, almost
in character

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